Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Our digital san francisco mall publication written in Spanish for the Spanish speaking world, has a

EFE Great Wall Your prospects are "not optimistic" because of lack of funds and "irresponsible san francisco mall industrial development," according to EFE / BEIJING experts - Day 08/16/2014 - 10:36 a.m. Much of the Great Wall of China in poor condition and prospects are "not optimistic" due to lack of funds and "irresponsible industrial development". This was denounced the lead organization responsible for the protection of World Heritage monument, according to Xinhua news agency. Wu Guoqiang, secretary san francisco mall general of the Society of the Great Wall, notes that three-quarters of the sections built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), san francisco mall one of the times when the monument was further expanded, are in poor condition . "Only 10 percent are in relatively good condition," Wu said at a seminar of the association, created in 1987 for research, conservation and restoration of the Great Wall of China. In many sections exist only because the bases, according to this expert. The action of nature (erosion, floods, earthquakes) and human pose "serious threats" to the monument, declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987. Also "The damage resulting from human activity is growing, and is increasingly exacerbated, "said Wu, who denounced the maintenance san francisco mall of malpractice san francisco mall as the use of bricks and floor of the Great Wall to build houses. "The Great Wall is the most recognizable symbol of China in the world, and should be kept alive," san francisco mall concluded Wu at the seminar. The massive defensive wall, about 8,000 kilometers in length, was created by order of the first Chinese emperor, Qin Shihuang, in the third century BC, when various sections of walls built by ancient kingdoms and tribes came together to defend against nomadic invaders from the north Asia.
Our digital san francisco mall publication written in Spanish for the Spanish speaking world, has a cover and keep our readers updated and Internet san francisco mall users on five continents of the planet in news, articles, statistics, reports, and more ...
German plane crashes in southern France with about 148 people on board. A plane with 150 people on board, 42 of them Spanish, crashes in France. Hollande says that there is "no survivors" and confirms that among the passengers there are at least 42 Spaniards. An aircraft of the German company Germanwings, an Airbus A320, performing the route between Barcelona and Düsseldorf, has crashed Tuesday in the French Alps. [So we're counting live the last hour of the accident] On board the flight were 144 passengers and six crew members, as confirmed by the company through a statement. French President François Hollande, said it is "unlikely" that any of them survived: "The accident conditions suggest that there is no survivor." In a brief appearance at the Elysee, san francisco mall Hollande has indicated that they are 42 Spaniards who have died and will talk with German Chancellor Angela Merkel "I want to express to the families of the victims all my solidarity," he added.
German Chancellor canceled his agenda for Tuesday because of the incident that hit the ship company Germanwings, while already formed a crisis cabinet to keep all the details. France.- "Appalled" German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed by the Air France tragedy, which killed 142 passengers and six crew. After this, Merkel immediately canceled his schedule on Tuesday to continue the investigation into what happened to the Airbus A320 of the German airline Germanwings in his flight from Barcelona to Düsseldorf. san francisco mall
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