Saturday, October 11, 2014

Jens Jerndal, which incidentally addressed as paradigmskiftesforskare the parliamentary ballot, see

PKJonas Blog Archive Micro-party elections Kollen 2014 Unit
The next part of the series Micro-party elections in 2014 Kollen thought I might spend the party unit, the new spiritual option in the fall general election. The party is actually considered to be reasonably established. Unlike many other micro batches so the unit actually been in a couple of decades. Last parliamentary election was a katastrofval for them and they backed off to 632 votes from the previous rolling decent 2648 votes. For this election, however, seems to have rolled up their sleeves to save the party and they took part in this year's almedalsveckan week.
If we start with the party program, then I remember that it was considerably outlet ЕЎtД›rboholy more hooked when I looked at it last time, which admittedly was a few years ago. Among other things, it contained as some passages in which the party founder Ulf Wåhlström speculated wildly about the frequencies and the world condition. Although the party program now gives a slightly more serious impression so appears clear, however, a picture of a direct science hostile party if you skim through it. There are worries including over electromagnetic radiation and do not want any wireless networks in schools. It is also skeptical of the pharmaceutical industry and psychiatry with her, believing that, over-reliance on medication. However, one very sympathetic to many alternative therapies that lack scientific support and want them to be included in patient insurance.
After a quick perusal of the party program, it seems to me that the party is not as pronounced nyandligt longer outlet ЕЎtД›rboholy but it instead seems to put the emphasis on the economy, or perhaps rather outlet ЕЎtД›rboholy the renunciation of the economy. It "works for an interest-free, speculation and inflation-free society" and one of the main issues is the introduction of basic income, their term for a citizen. Basinkomstförslaget is a very expensive reform that also teaches upset incentives to work a lot.
Although the party's surface in all cases seems to be fairly polished you become the curious on what is moving underneath. I have therefore looked closely at a couple of parliamentary candidates to see what opinion they really have on the world.
Jens Jerndal, which incidentally addressed as paradigmskiftesforskare the parliamentary ballot, seems to believe in a plethora of bizarre conspiracy theories. Among other things, outlet ЕЎtД›rboholy he will not believe the official explanation to HIV and AIDS. Jerndal writes:
Seeing how the world has been sold the unproven HIV-causes-AIDS dogma, and especially the fatal drug regime That goes with it, I can not help thinking of Nazi Germany's crushingly efficient propaganda machine with its use of mass psychosis, outlet ЕЎtД›rboholy brilliantly masterminded by A Certain Mr. Goebbels. History does repeat outlet ЕЎtД›rboholy itself, only in new forms and with new labels.
To a firm growing number of keen professional observers, it is increasingly obvious That AIDS is not caused by any viruses, That it is not Sexually Transmitted and not even contagious at all. Instead, AIDS is a multifactorial syndrome, with its Most Important Cause being poisonous chemicals and drugs, Among Them insecticides, pesticides, benzene-linked anal lubricants used by some homosexuals, recreational drugs, multiple parasitical, viral and bacterial infections, and not least Prescription Drugs of many kinds and most Particularly outlet ЕЎtД›rboholy so the extremely toxic chemotherapy routinely Prescribed for AIDS and "HIV infection".
Another of the party's parliamentary candidates are medium Hasse Nyander. His mediumship is multifaceted and one of the elements of the so-called physical mediumship. Physical mediumship outlet ЕЎtД›rboholy seems almost always move on to deliberately fool people. A physical seance usually go to in the way that the media brings together a closed society with strong believers in a dark room and then, possibly assisted by an aide, kids media participants with various cheap tricks. Hasse writes on the site about how he had helped the participants of a physical seance with the medium Stewart Alexander and become mesmerized by what he experienced:
What did we experience the wonder certainly you, so I will start to tell you about it on the physical phenomena that I personally am most fascinated by and where we were told - direct voice. Direct voice as one might call it in Swedish is when the spirit world is heard regardless of any medium such as the makes in a trance. In a trance so they borrow simply medium vocal and talk them, but with direct voice is heard their voice completely independent in the air and everyone in the room hears it loud and clear. The most common way to get to this phenomenon is that the ectoplasm creates a voice box, simply a couple of artificial vocal cords as they shape their voice through. Ectoplasm outlet ЕЎtД›rboholy is a substance that is a mixture of energy from the medium, sometimes participants at the seance and the spirit world. Dr. Barner's his name that comes with direct voice on Stewart's seances and talking to participants. He also mater

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