Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chloroplasts (from the Greek. Hloros - green) - plastids are usually painted in green color due to

Mitochondria and plastids - organelles of eukaryotic cells, the surface unit consisting of two membranes separated by the intermembrane space. They are not spatially associated with other organelles. These organelles involved in energy metabolism. Mitochondria (from the Greek. Mitos - and hondrion catherine townsend thread - grain) - cell organelles most species catherine townsend of plants, fungi and animals. They are not just in some unicellular eukaryotes that live in an oxygen-free environment - anaerobes. Mitochondria serve as a kind of cellular "energy generator". They look like balls, sticks, sometimes branching filaments (length 0.5-10 microns and larger). The number of these organelles catherine townsend in cells of different types can range from 1 to 100, 000 or more. It depends on how active the processes of metabolism and energy conversion. Thus, the cell amoeba Chaos considerable size containing up to 500 000 mitochondria, whereas in the shallow catherine townsend parasitic flagellated cell - trypanosomes (human catherine townsend pathogens sleeping sickness) is just one giant branched mitochondria.
The outer membrane of mitochondria is smooth, and the inner - creates curved place inside organelles - Christie. Christie have the form of disc-shaped, tubular or lamellar catherine townsend lesions, often rozha luzhuyutsya. On the surface of cristae bordering the internal environment mitochondria are special mushroom protein formations - ATP catfish. They contain a set of enzymes necessary for the synthesis of ATP. The interior space is filled with mitochondria semi substance - matrix. It contains ribosomes, DNA molecule, mRNA, tRNA, etc. and synthesized proteins that are part of the inner membrane. The main function of mitochondria - ATP synthesis. catherine townsend This process is due to the energy that is released during the oxidation of organic compounds. catherine townsend Initial reactions occur in the matrix, and the next, including the synthesis of ATP - the inner membrane of mitochondria. Plastids (from the Greek. Plastydes - fashioned, formed) - organelles of plant cells and certain unicellular animals (eg, Euglena). There are three types of plastids - chloroplasts, chromoplasts, leucoplasts that vary in color, structural features and functions.
Chloroplasts (from the Greek. Hloros - green) - plastids are usually painted in green color due to the presence of the pigment chlorophyll. However, in the cells of certain groups of algae (red, brown, etc) their color may be different. This is because they, in addition to chlorophyll, there are other pigments - red, yellow, brown and so on. As in mitochondria, chloroplast outer membrane is smooth, and the inner forms grow, which may be separated from it. Stroma catherine townsend - a substance that fills the inner space of the chloroplast. On the inner membrane associated structures - thylakoids. This flat tank surrounded by one membrane. Big thylakoids arranged singly and smaller - are collected in faces, resembling stacks of coins. In thylakoids contains basic (chlorophyll) and auxiliary (carotenoids) pigments, as well as all the enzymes necessary catherine townsend for carrying out photosynthesis. In the stroma of chloroplasts are DNA molecules different types of RNA, ribosomes, grain reserve polysaccharide (mainly starch). The main function of chloroplasts - photosynthesis implementation. In addition, they, like mitochondria, catherine townsend the thylakoid catherine townsend membrane is ATP-soma and the synthesis of ATP. Also in some chloroplasts synthesized lipids, proteins, thylakoid membranes, enzymes, providing reactions of photosynthesis. Leucoplasts (from the Greek. Leykos - colorless) - colorless plastids various forms in which stocking some compounds (starch, proteins, etc.). Unlike chloroplasts in leucoplasts inner membrane may form only a few thylakoids. catherine townsend In leucoplasts stroma contains ribosomes, DNA, different types of RNA, and enzymes that provide a synthesis and cleavage of reserve substances (starch, proteins, etc.). Leucoplasts be completely filled catherine townsend with starch grains. catherine townsend Chromoplasts (from the Greek. Hromatos - color, paint) - plastids, painted in different colors catherine townsend (such as yellow, red, purple). The color of these plastids provide various catherine townsend pigments (mainly carotenoids) that they accumulate. Because they lack chlorophyll, the green color they have. Chromoplasts provide a certain color petals of flowers, fruits, leaves and other plant parts. The internal system of membranes in chromoplasts absent or formed separate catherine townsend thylakoids. Links between plastid types. Various types of plastids catherine townsend have a common origin: they all arise from primary catherine townsend plastids generating tissue cells - small (up to 1 micron) vesicles surrounded by two membranes. In addition, one type plastids are able to turn into plastids more. Thus, in the light of primary plastids formed internal system of membranes synthesized chlorophyll and they are transformed into chloroplasts. The same is true for leucoplasts, able to turn into chloroplasts or chromoplasts. During aging were

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