Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mr Blake, four loan word into English,

Time streets to Malaysia yesterday, rather ngenes also because a lot of things already claimed to be the Malaysian culture. koi tilburg When we went to Petrosains at the Petronas Towers, I saw a story about shadow puppets. It says that the shadow puppets came from a region in Malaysia (I forget koi tilburg the name of the province). Halah. Indeed wayangnya berebeda anyway, but still there was a feeling of how so. (Uh, original leather puppets from where?)
Even more interesting is the puppet is then passed koi tilburg into 3D by using the "hologram" koi tilburg :) Halah. In Indonesia, no one has done this. (Actually it has entered into a to do list of, Digital Entertainment Research Groups that were I pioneered.) In South Korea even be played with finger puppets are monitored by video. Unfortunately yes ...
Recently I saw an ad on Malaysian tourism on CNN. There is told about the forest (in Sabah?) And various other things that really thick Indonesian elements. Sad not ya?
Make no mistake, I do not blame Malaysia. I blame us, the people of Indonesia, who fails to maintain our national culture. On the TV screen Malaysia still traditional events, koi tilburg even events teach children koi tilburg reading the Qur'an was there. In Indonesia, TV shows too "advanced" MTV even-even passing. Hic hic hic. Shortness of breath is. :(
Today we are always behind with our neighboring countries other. Not only with Malaysia and Singapore, but soon also seems to be overtaken Vietnam, ex-communist koi tilburg countries that new more open since the start joining ASEAN. Backwardness we may in the absence of strategic planning that are thorough, especially now that there are no Guidelines. I do not say that with the existence of the guidelines that we have a good plan, but at least we have a plan that is sustainable. The Current? I really do not see any continuity between planning time president Wahid, Megawati and SBY.
back to the issue of Malaysia's success in promoting a culture that is exemplified pack Budi, I see the neighboring country they will have a clear program sustainable koi tilburg and independent from each other. They see that the tourism koi tilburg commodity is a business that can put a very large foreign exchange. koi tilburg So seriously worked on a world tour, not only tempat2 who travel and improved infrastructure, but also its image worked professionally finished.
Malaysia then with confidence claim as "Truly Asia". Iklan2 they not only aired on tv media such as CNN, but also use other mediums like to sign Manchester koi tilburg United koi tilburg (MU) for advertising koi tilburg in the stadium when Manchester United match. Imagine how many millions of United fans around the world who will see the ad "Malaysia Truly Asia" when they will be competing clubs.
Then how about Indonesia? other than minimal ads, other promotional media sangat2 also limited. Try it to the department of tourism or travel biro2 find tourist brochures in the country, would have trouble. paling2 that there is only Bali or Yogyakarta.
Well sorry sir Budi if my comment stands. koi tilburg I am the spirit of love comments krn chance I ever wrote about that issue which is almost the same issue in
o yes if the pack Budi so fleeing to Malaysia or Singapore, ajak2 let me or any others in groups, just do not forget his remittances sent to the homeland ... hehehe term 'migrant workers who send remittances koi tilburg wrote.
Pak, existing holographic puppet. Some time ago staged koi tilburg by students UPI Bandung. Unfortunately, the hologram was not so successful. Currently, koi tilburg puppet Hologram apparently being worked on by some young artists from commonroom (BDG too). I do not know, Kang Tisna followup or nope.
Koen January 11th, 2007 at 5:55 pm
Need to study again, Uncle. Jangan2 is used to shadow puppet presence in Malaysia first, before kita2 cheat on this island from there. Then jangan2 the British koi tilburg colonial Malaysia formerly named "why young?" ...
Mr Blake, four loan word into English, "orangutans, koi tilburg satay, sarong, amok" also in claim etymologically from Malay according to Merriam-Webster dictionary. Though there are only jelas2 orangutans in Borneo. How dong, Indonesian experts ya?
One of the problems (and handicap) Indonesia is a lack of ability to market koi tilburg its own nation. In addition, the integrity of Indonesia koi tilburg is still very questionable. Just take a look, MTV, McD and so overrun, but traditional makanan2 becoming obsolete (or reduced). koi tilburg The other, Indonesia koi tilburg produk2 considered lowly, but if shopping to Wal-Mart, Target or other superstores in the United States, quite well made in Indonesia and the quality is not inferior dg. from other countries.
I agree Indonesia lost in

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