Thursday, July 31, 2014

For quite a long time, but in recent years, koles especially clearly in the U.S. there is a kind of

Among all those ailments that afflict our society globally, UFO theme occupies a very special place. As a kind of focal point, koles where for more than half a century in a concentrated form and adequately reflected the state of the collective consciousness of humanity.
For quite a long time, but in recent years, koles especially clearly in the U.S. there is a kind of game with public opinion around koles the odious UFO theme. From people and organizations that are close to sensitive structures koles in the state, and then merge into the press and all sorts of sensational online materials related to the disaster near Roswell, burning secrets in Area 51, well, in general, with respect to the alien presence on Earth.
At the same time, according to a long-standing tradition, it's all completely fed unproven, with light or obvious signs of lying, but without providing at least the only reliable and irrefutable fact. And along the way certainly is letting koles the fog of mystery and ambiguity, so that all feel - there is something very important is definitely present, but to reveal the full truth ... well, nothing is impossible
In 2011 the book "Area 51. History top-secret military koles base in America, told uncensored (Annie Jacobsen, Area 51: An Uncensored History koles of America's koles Top Secret Military Base . Little, Brown and Company).
This study was confined to the state of a large complex disclosure documents on the super-secret reconnaissance plane once A-12 Oxcart, collected a variety of authentic testimonies and memories from the direct koles participants koles in this and other similar projects it secret. But along the way, the last few pages, the book is told in its absurdity fantastic things.
Type that crashed in 1947, under the Roswell, New Mexico, the aircraft was actually not a "saucer" with aliens, and crafty draw the Communists and the Nazis. koles What it all planned Soviet dictator Stalin and helped him to realize his plan secret trophy - the plane of the Third Reich with an unusual form diskooobraznoy and secret prisoner - Nazi fanatic Josef Mengele, who turned his inhuman methods in young children big-freaks ...
Cause, however, mass hysteria and panic among the U.S. population Stalin this performance was not possible - because not managed to fly to the intended point of landing plates, as well as thanks to the vigilance of the U.S. military. But with all the artifacts and traces of the disaster and had to hide deep scramble in Zone 51. Because there and do the U.S. authorities at the time about doing naughty things like to put pressure on the Soviet Union ... (details about the source and the birth of this "duck Jacobsen journalist" koles can be found here).
The following year, 2012, the year there was evidence of a very different kind - this time from Brandon Chase (, a CIA veteran with more than 35 years of experience. The first twenty years of his espionage service usually takes Brandon, and then guiding koles operational work to foreign countries. From about the same since 1996 and for the next half dozen years, he was a kind of "liaison officers" with Hollywood. That is the official representative of the CIA in the American entertainment industry, providing general supervision and influence koles of special services for the maintenance of commercial movies and TV programs (more on this interesting work can be read here).
When he was an important and responsible civil service came to an end, Chase Brandon razrodilsya koles own novel, political fiction thriller The Cryptos Conundrum - the efforts of the CIA to conceal the traces of the UFO crash at Roswell and the subsequent interactions koles of secret U.S. government agencies with aliens (of course for the salvation of all mankind, of course).
In short, another quite commonplace fantastic book, written in the style of patriotic and screenplay with an eye to the obvious adaptation. If not for one important caveat. Who had a high level of access to state secrets and influential people in the government at one time worked as a "brifera" that is, the Secretary of the U.S. President's Intelligence regularly familiar with the operational head of the state intelligence bulletins, Brandon now swears and swears that he saw in secret archives of the CIA whole box of documents, and entitled - Roswell .
(For people a little bit familiar with the basics of intelligence work and private office, koles this one already - the first sign of lying. Any object, special agencies, immediately receives the code name and then no longer appear in the documents, and even more so on the cover, under its real name.)
If you believe Brandon, he - being unable to resist - this opened the box and saw with my own eyes that there are documents collected koles in detail describe real events and facts about an alien spaceship crash. It is this shook his story, in fact, pushed the ex-spy op

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